Bloggiesta Weekend: Best Laid Plans

It’s Bloggiesta weekend and I had made some lofty goals in my quest for blog improvement. But – as it turns out I’m traveling this weekend and I’m not going to be able to accomplish everything I wanted to. Plus, I have really dodgy internet access that is not helping matters.

My revised more realistic Bloggiesta objectives:
  1. Catch up on review writing (I’m currently 8 reviews behind) (New goal- write 1 review!)
  2. Update review index for books and audiobooks
  3. Cross post reviews to Goodreads
  4. Update my Challenge Page
  5. Schedule 1 Top Ten Tuesday post
  6. Comment on at least 10 other blogs, and participate in a couple mini challenges

So, my goals are not as lofty as before. If I can get just these items done I’ll be very pleased. How are you doing with your Bloggiesta?


8 thoughts on “Bloggiesta Weekend: Best Laid Plans

  1. BermudaOnion says:

    Traveling sounds like more fun than working on your blog anyway.

  2. I know I need to do #3 more often..good list! I am a list maker as well! 🙂

  3. readerbuzz says:

    You know, that is the best thing about a blog…it’s very easy to change things around!

    Here’s my ¡Olé! ¡Vamos a Bloggiesta! I hope you will stop by!

  4. Kelsey says:

    Traveling sounds fun! Good luck getting those goals done when you get the chance, I had to cross post all of my reviews to Goodreads too, it took a while but it’s worth it!

  5. You can do it, Lucy! I’m not doing Bloggiesta but I still like seeing other people reach their blogging goals and I love knocking tons of stuff off my list as well:) I can make you feel a bit better by telling you that I haven’t reviewed 16 of the last 18 books I’ve read. Right? Feeling better? I think, of your list, updating the archives and challenge lists are the easiest to accomplish. You should knock those out. Commenting around the blogosphere is a chore I often let fall behind but, and this will sound really stupid, if you write down a ten tally marks and then sit down and cross them off, one by one, it feels like more of an accomplishment. Ridiculous but true.

    I’m currently listening to Sabriel by Garth Nix and it’s narrated by Tim Curry! Have you listened to anything he narrated? He’s wonderful. Good luck with your blogging list!

  6. I love your header!

    Now that I’ve gushed…I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are coming away feeling energized, no matter how much of your list was completed. I always have a million ideas running through my head when the weekend is over. I eventually get around to them 😉

  7. Leslie says:

    I wasn’t being overly ambitious for Bloggiesta this time and good thing too. I almost completed my list but it turned out to be a busier weekend than I planned on. Next time!

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