Blog Tour: Smash Into You by Shelly Crane

Smash into you blog tour

I’m excited to welcome author Shelly Crane to the blog today! Her latest book release is Smash Into You, a New Adult book with a male POV that’s on sale now. I’ll tell you a little about the book, and we’ll get to know the author with a fun guest post.

Smash Into You blog tour

About Smash Into You:

Smash into you coverJude has spent the whole twenty one years of his life running. From what, he wasn’t quite sure. His mother tried to keep him safe; a low profile, a constant move on the horizon, a week’s pay always stashed away. She tried to instill in him that he was special somehow, though would never elaborate. He never felt different. He was so completely normal and vanilla that he wondered if it had all been in her head. But then she was murdered and all he saw was a running silhouette of a man as his mother said three final words to him. Three words that changed his whole being.

Never stop running…

Now he’s semi-settled into a big town. The college is huge and easy to blend into. It’s been three months since he had to move because ‘Biloxi’, as he calls the man who killed his mother, found him once more.

Then Marley, an eighteen year old girl who is as infuriating as she is blissfully ignorant of her gorgeousness, smashes into his car with hers. Then smashes into his life as he realizes that whatever it is he has that Biloxi wants, she has it, too. And now, they’re after them both.

Goodreads * Amazon * Barnes & Noble

Please welcome author Shelly Crane who has a top ten list for us!

Ten Totally Random Things by Shelly CraneShelly Crane

1. First, I’m a paperback addict. Yes, like a real one. I need meetings. It’s bad. But I love it

2. I could watch House Hunters and renovation shows all. Day. Long. I’m obsessed.

3. My favorite color is Teal. (Go Jags!)

4. My absolute favorite place to be is the beach.

5. I went to twelve schools. And no, we weren’t in the military.

6. My uber favorite band right now is Imagine Dragons. But my all-time favorite is Snow Patrol.

7. I love mushy, gushy, ooey-gooey books. If I can find real YA books that focus on the love story, I’m hooked!

8. I’ve read The Host, Vampire Academy and Callum & Harper like fifteen times.

9. My two boys are hilarious and lots of times give me book ideas without even realizing.

10. I’m a very quiet person, which usually surprises people bc I’m not really that way online.

Thanks, Shelly! You have great taste in music and books! Thanks for telling us a little about yourself.

Visit Shelly: Blog * Facebook * Twitter * Goodreads

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win an e-book of Smash Into You!


4 thoughts on “Blog Tour: Smash Into You by Shelly Crane

  1. VeganYANerds says:

    Great list – I love the beach, too!!

  2. Shelly Crane says:

    Thank you for the tour post!

  3. Ah, so many overlaps–the beach, VA, paperbacks, and introvert IRL/extrovert online! Author guest posts are always fun. 🙂

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  4. fishgirl182 says:

    nice interview! i love paperbacks, too. and the beach. i guess i could read them on the beach. 🙂 haven’t read any of shelly’s books yet but i may have to check them out. i like the idea of a new adult novel with a bit of a mystery. i don’t think many are like that.

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