Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey

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Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a very amusing book for me to read while I was home with a cold. It’s a cute funny story about a high school girl Jessica Packwood whose world is turned upside down when Lucius Vladescu shows up to say Jessica is a Romanian vampire princess and he is her vampire fiancee!

Lucius moves in with the Packwoods and starts attending high school with Jessica. It is really funny to see Lucius adapt to life in Jessica’s small town. The story is told by Jessica’s perspective, but we also get a glimpse into Lucius’ mind through hilarious and sarcastic status letters he writes to his uncle. He writes about his progress with convincing Jessica to go back with him to Romania, and about his boring classes, and the vegan food the Packwoods serve. As a vegan that was a treat to see a vegan family represented, however stereotypically. 🙂

Lucius helps Jessica with her confidence, and body image issues, and also with dealing with her vampire heritage by giving her a copy of Growing Up Undead: A Teen Vampire’s Guide to Dating, Health, and Emotions.

There are twists and turns along the way, and it kept me guessing on how the story was going to end. An enjoyable read all around! I look forward to reading more from this author.

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2 thoughts on “Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey

  1. Posky says:

    I am completely out of the loop when it comes to books about vampires dating. Frankly, the entire thing blows my mind and makes me feel like a crotchety old man.

    “You know in my day, we just had Dracula and that’s the way we liked it!”

  2. Too funny! You’re right – vampires are certainly being presented in a different light these days. This was a witty and refreshing read in the vampire genre. There are some traditional scary vampires represented as well.

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