We’ll Always Have Summer by Jenny Han

Book: We’ll Always Have Summer (Summer #3) by Jenny Han

Published by: Simon & Schuster, April 26 2011

Genre: Young Adult

Format/pages: Hardcover 288 pages

Format read/Source: e-Galley via Simon & Schuster Galleygrab

Date read: March 8 2011

Rating: 5 / 5 Stars

Summary from the author’s website:

It’s been two years since Conrad told Belly to go with Jeremiah. She and Jeremiah have been inseparable ever since, even attending the same college– only, their relationship hasn’t exactly been the happily ever after Belly had hoped it would be. And when Jeremiah makes the worst mistake a boy can make, Belly is forced to question what she thought was true love. Does she really have a future with Jeremiah? Has she ever gotten over Conrad? It’s time for Belly to decide, once and for all, who has her heart forever.

My Thoughts:

This has been a fun trilogy, and I have enjoyed these books over warm sunny days. This series is a coming of age story about a girl named Isabel (Belly) and her relationship drama as she is torn between two brothers, Conrad and Jeremiah Fisher. The setting is a cozy beach house in Cousins Beach where Belly spends the summers along with her mother and brother at the Fisher’s house. Belly was always looked upon as the annoying little sister until things changed one summer. Conrad is the brother Belly has always had a crush on, but he is the more unattainable of the two. Jeremiah has a sweet and sunny disposition that capture’s Belly’s attention as well. Much drama ensues to bring us here to the final book where Belly will end this triangle once and for all.

This installment takes place a couple years after the last book, and the characters have grown quite a bit. Belly is now in college with Jeremiah and trying to go by Isabel now. Belly is endearingly her uncertain self and facing several difficult challenges. I think that the passing of time has changed the vibe of the books a bit. It hasn’t changed in a bad way; the tone just feels a little different. The characters have matured in surprising ways. It was somewhat unsettling to see some of the changes in the two brothers in this book. Though still recognizable, the brothers have some out of character moments. It was great to have Conrad’s view represented and get to know him better as he gets a turn at some of the narration.

There is the usual drama and angst in this book to keep things interesting, but it’s balanced with happier times too. My eyes were glued to the pages till the end to see how it would all shake out. I was pleased with the ending and felt that it was an emotional and satisfying end to the series.

This is a fun beach-read type series. The writing flows well, the setting is lovely, and the story is emotional and sweet. It is a great time to start on this trilogy so you can read them straight through. The first two books in the series are: The Summer I Turned Pretty followed by It’s Not Summer Without You . Author Jenny Han is following the Summer series with something different – a YA supernatural trilogy called Signs. The first book is called Burn for Burn and it is due out in 2012.

Check out Jenny Han’s website for more info about the book including the book’s music playlist and follow her on twitter. Find out more about the book at Goodreads or preorder at Amazon.


11 thoughts on “We’ll Always Have Summer by Jenny Han

  1. S says:

    Hi there!
    I saw so many reviews of this book all over the web, and I really wanted to finish the trilogy for myself! However, I went and visited the GalleyGrab website, and I realized that I don’t fit in any of those categories. If I’m not a blogger, does that mean I can’t access the book right now?

    1. I know it’s hard to wait, but it will be out in just a few more weeks. If you do write reviews on goodreads you could try linking your review page to the GalleyGrab application. That has worked for some people. Hope you enjoy the book and you get to read it soon. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Ashley says:

    I definitely liked the first two better, but I enjoyed this one as well. Overall, though, a really great trilogy.

    1. I know what you mean, Ashley. I’ll miss this series!

  3. cmcraig says:

    Off topic: but I see in your side bar you are reading Shift. Is that a sequel to Shade??

    1. Yes! Shift is available on Simon & Schuster Galley grab now. I was so excited to see it. I’m sending you an email about the program.

  4. Hi The Reading Date!

    I have been accepted to Galley Grab, so is there any way you could comment with the links? I’m really looking forward to reading We’ll Always Have Summer! If you don’t want to comment with the links, e-mail them to thedismalstate@gmail.com

    Thanks so much!

  5. Stephanie says:

    I signed up too late to get the March newsletter, unfortunately. Could you possibly forward it to me? I’d really appreciate it 🙂

  6. Jaz says:

    I also signed up too late to get the march newsletter, can someone please send it to me please? I’d be so grateful, thank you! 🙂

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