Top Ten Books on my Fall Reading List

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature from The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Books On Your Fall TBR List – no small task! I’m sure I’m not the only one who had a hard time narrowing the list down to ten.

Listed in no particular order, here are some of the books I can’t wait to read this fall:


1. Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor (Nov. 6)  – The much anticipated sequel to Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

2. Bitter Blood by Rachel Caine (Nov. 6) – The Morganville Vampires lucky #13. Wonder what trouble is in store for the gang this time around?

3. Middle Ground by Katie Kacvinsky (Nov. 20) – I read the first book, Awaken, almost two years ago. Hope I can remember the story well enough. This series touches on a future society that is too reliant on technology.

Series Debuts:

4. Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff (Sept. 18) – According to the hilarious book trailer this book is “totally sweet. It has Airships, Griffins & Ninjas!”

5. Crewel by Gennifer Albin (Oct. 16) – Looks like a creative fantasy book about time weaving and I’m very curious about this one.

Standalone Books:

6. Send Me a Sign by Tiffany Schmidt (Oct. 2) – This contemporary sounds like my kind of book. It is about a girl with cancer, but also sounds uplifting and romantic.

7. Live Through This by Mindi Scott (Oct. 2) – Really enjoyed Freefall and Scott’s latest contemporary sounds like a touching/sad/romantic read. Anyone else think of the Hole album when you see this title or is it just me?

8. The Spindlers by Lauren Oliver (Oct. 2) – I liked Oliver’s other MG book Liesl and Po and The Spindlers looks like another imaginative read.

9. Touching the Surface by Kimberly Sabatini (Oct. 30) – I’ve been wanting to read this book for a long time, and it’s finally out this fall. It’s about a teenage girl who dies and has to come to terms with her past in the afterlife.

10. Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill (Nov. 13) – Not a lot of contemporary books this fall, so thank goodness for this one. Meant to Be looks very sweet.

Looks like a great season of reading ahead! What fall books are you looking forward to?


22 thoughts on “Top Ten Books on my Fall Reading List

  1. Days of Blood and Starlight for sure I want as I got lucky and won a signed copy as for the rest yes to any standalones. I love a series but am getting frustrated with waiting then being told oh and here is one more

  2. I have Days of Blood and Starlight, The Spindlers, and Meant to Be on my list as well! I can’t wait to get started on those. I just read Send me a Sign last week. I hope you like it.
    My Top Ten

  3. Fabulous list. I’m dying to read most of these!

  4. BermudaOnion says:

    Boy, am I out of it. Most of those books are new to me.

  5. Heather Wood says:

    I love the Morganville Vampires series! I’m also planning to read Crewel, sounds like a cool premise. My TTT!

  6. Brittany says:

    I can’t wait for Crewel as well, and Meant to Be looks so cute! 🙂

  7. melodylynnsimpson says:

    Thanks for putting the Awaken series on my radar! Great list!

  8. Kelsey says:

    Stormdancer was good, I think you’ll like it! I still have to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, but that just means I can read the next one shortly after 🙂 I have Crewel on order at the library too, it’s going to be a good Fall!

  9. Tammy Sparks says:

    I’m really excited for Stormdancer, too. And of course Days of Blood and Starlight:) Great list!

  10. Candice says:

    Great list! Days of Blood and Starlight… I can’t wait! I’ve heard some pretty excellent things about Stormdancer; you’ll have to let me know how it is!

  11. Nice list! I think Crewel and Meant to Be sound great too! Happy Tuesday!

  12. beckireads says:

    It looks like some great books are coming out in autumn for you. Your Top Ten all have really awesome covers! Hope you manage to get hold of them, and that you enjoy them.

  13. caitlore says:

    The Spindlers looks great! I haven’t read Liesl and Po yet, but it’s on a list somewhere…

  14. Vyki says:

    Crewel seems like it is goingto be a really good one, this might be one I adjust my list for! I just love the cover to Touching the Surface. I love how you can see the motion. Nice picks. Thansk for stopping by!

  15. Quinn says:

    I am ridiculously excited for Meant to Be! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. I hope my expectations aren’t too high.

  16. April Books & Wine says:

    AHH! How did I forget The Spindlers. I will happily devour anything Lauren Oliver puts out.

    Stormdancer is totally awesome, I hope you do read that one, especially because you seem to like some good books.

  17. tinalinatime says:

    Hi there! So, I haven’t read Daughter of Smoke and Bone yet. But I do have the audiobook in my posession so I plan on finishing it after my current audiobook. I have heard such great things about this series that I need to start it before number two releases! 🙂

  18. I’ve been seeing Crewel everywhere and never gotten around to looking into what it’s about yet! It does sound really good 🙂 Meant To Be, yes I need to read that as well! While I didn’t love Daughter of Smoke & Bone, I’m definitely curious to where that goes in the second one!

    Thanks for stopping by Lucy! 🙂

    Michele | Top 10

  19. theairtwit says:

    I need to get in on Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke & Bone series (which I had no idea was a series until today)! I read Lips Touch by her not too long ago and enjoyed her writing style, so I think I will like these books of hers.

    Crewel is one book I’ve been hearing a lot about lately. I think I will have to add that one to my list as well!

  20. I saw Send Me a Sign on another Top Ten this week. It sounds like a great read.

  21. Merin says:

    I have Meant to Be and The Spindlers and am so excited to read them! We both have Crewel on our lists, too, and while I didn’t include Stormdancer, I actually have it reserved at my library already so am impatiently waiting for it to come in.

    Great list! My TTT post 🙂

  22. squee1313 says:

    So love Lainy Taylor. Smoke and Bones was so good and I am eagerly anticipating Blood and Starlight.

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