Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature from The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Series I Haven’t Finished. I do love my series books and they are my comfort reads. But sometimes for whatever reason series books can’t compete with other books – time passes and it’s hard to reconnect. There are so many series books I’m behind on I should probably have a series catch-up month.
Listed in no particular order, here are some of series books I’m behind on, dropped, or am on the fence about:
1. Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris – I’m only one book behind in this series, but I’m still invested enough to want to see how the series ends. I’ll probably read the last two books back to back.
2. Hex Hall trilogy by Rachel Hawkins – I’ve read 2 out of the 3 books, and I’m not sure why I haven’t read the last book of the trilogy Spell Bound yet. I think the so-so reviews put me off a bit, though I plan to read it at some point. Is it true that there’s going to be a spin-off series?
3. Caster Chronicles series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl – I read Beautiful Creatures, and I own books 2 and 3 but haven’t started them. I hear the books get better and better but I’m not sure when I will get the chance to catch up on these 500+ page books. Maybe the movie will reinvigorate my interest in the series.
4. Pretty Little Liars series by Sara Shepard – I read the first 8 books and thought that was the end- but then the series was extended for 4 more books. Anyone read the last few books – should I pick this series up again?
5. Nightshade trilogy by Andrea Cremer- I’ve only read the first book, though I liked it enough to pick up the other 2 books in the trilogy, and I have Rift to get through as well.
6. Shade trilogy by Jeri Smith-Ready – I liked Shade and Shift a lot and I think I’ve just procrastinated reading the final book Shine.
7. Personal Demons trilogy by Lisa Desrochers – The first two books in the series I liked okay, but I think I just lost momentum with the series and didn’t buy the final book Last Rite.
8. Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost – I stopped reading this series after the fourth book. I like the adventures of Cat and Bones but I needed to take a break from the series.
9. Matched series by Ally Condie – I liked Matched, but really struggled through the second book Crossed, and I’m just going to have to stop there.
10. The Fallen, Hush Hush, Immortals, Blue Bloods, and House of Night series- Abandoned – just ended up being not for me.
Should I give any of these series another chance or cut my losses?
We have several in common. I’m way behind on the BC series. I need to change that asap. I read the first two PLL and then just never got around to reading the third one. I have a hard time getting into series that I know are long.
I haven’t read most of those series so I can’t help you out. I’d be hard pressed to think of a series I’m caught up on.
I’m with you on Crossed!! I was so incredibly disappointed by it. I felt like it just led us into a brand new story, completely unrelated and I wasn’t sure what the point was…. I think I’ll pick up Reached just to finish the series. If there had been another book after it, I don’t think I’d even consider it!
I was so disappointed by Crossed too, it just killed the series for me and I’m not sure I want to even bother with the last book.
Shine was my favourite out of all of them in the Shade series, definitely get to it when you get the chance!
I think there are probably a lot of series that I need to finish, I’ll have to complete as many as I can so I can go onto new ones!
Good to hear that Shine doesn’t disappoint! I need to fit that book in soon.
I wasn’t madly in love with Beautiful Creatures – so I never read any of the others. I am excited for the movie, though. I have read all the Hush, Hush books (except Finale, of course, since it hasn’t been released yet), but I wasn’t really into Fallen or the Immortals series, either. And I am not really interested in the Blue Bloods or House of Night series.
Here’s my TTT
I forgot Hex Hall. I really enjoyed the first book in this series. I think I just totally forgot about it. Adding to my TBR now in case I forget again 🙂
I have heard so many mixed reviews on Crossed! I am probably not going to read it though until Reached is out since it is not far away and read them back to back. I hope I enjoy Caster Chronicles as well. I picked it up because I had heard some good things on in then when I read the synopsis on the back, I saw it was set in South Carolina, which is the state I live in, so it was one I had to pick up.
All the disappointment with Crossed makes me really glad that I decided to stop with Matched. I hate when a book is ruined for me by its sequel. I never finished the Sookie Stackhouse series, either, but that was more because I lost interest by about book 8 or 9 and decided to just give it up.
Yes, there’s a spin-off Hex Hall series! I had very mixed feelings about the final book, but it’s still a must-read so you can at least see how it all ends. 🙂 I need to read the rest of the Matched series, too.
Wendy @ The Midnight Garden
Thanks for confirming about the Hex Hall spin-off, Wendy! I’ll follow through and read Spell Bound soon 🙂
I haven’t read many of these series, but I definitely like the ones I’ve read! I was majorly disappointed with Crossed, but I’m looking forward to Reached. I’ve got high hopes!
I totally agree on Matched! Bleurgh..I haven’t read the rest! 🙂
New follower btw!
I hope you go back to reading more of Cat and Bones because I adore them and it’s one of the very few series that I’m waiting on the next book.
Great list. 🙂
The Night Huntress series is one I sort of lost interest in too, I liked it, just not enough to keep reading at the moment. I actually prefer the spin-off series that she’s done with Mencheres and Vlad.
I would cut your losses on those books. I didn’t enjoy them and stopped reading those as well and I haven’t regretted it at all. I do need to check out some of these series you’ve mentioned though, so fantastic list! 🙂
i love cat and bones, though it’s true that the later books lose some of their lustre. i still like them though and enjoy the spin off series as well. i really disliked that last sookie book but i am going to read it through to the end. and i want to read beautiful creatures, but i have read a lot of mixed reviews which has put me off of starting it. maybe before the movie comes out. 🙂
The only series I can speak definitively on is the Hex Hall Series. If you’ve read the first two, you really should finish the third/final installment. I agree with what someone else already said about the final book. I was left conflicted with at least one of the character’s ending, it just didn’t sit well with me. However, it is still is worth reading.
Oh and Yes, the author confirmed there will be a spin-off.
I keep reading Sookie and keep asking myself why. I think Sookie should have cut her losses a few books ago. But now I hear Eric is not her OTL (on true love). I always liked Quinn, the weretiger best of them all, anyway. I felt like Sookie’s lost her joi de verve or Harris is resting on her TrueBlood laurels. I’ll probably continue to read the books b/c I can finish them in a day or less, but I’m not the fan I used to be. Now, for the Beautiful Creatures series. I read the first book and absolutely did not get the hype. I just found it ho-hum and had no interest in reading the next one. For the Jeaniene Frost series, my co-blogger loves ’em. She got me the first one and I haven’t been able to finish it. I hate when characters fall for each other too quickly. This is why I love the Karen Marie Moning Fever series and the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. Those authors know how to draw out some sexual tension!
[…] read a lot of series books because I do find it hard to keep up with them. I participated in this topic in 2012 and looking at that list I never did catch up with any of those unfinished series books so I […]