Waiting On Armada by Ernest Cline

Waiting on WednesdayWaiting on Wednesday is a weekly event brought to you by Breaking the Spine where we spotlight upcoming books we can’t wait to read.

I’m excited that the cover of Ernest Cline’s latest book, Armada, was unveiled this week! Armada doesn’t come out until Summer of next year, but when I saw the cover I couldn’t help but feature it.

Armada by Ernest Cline

Publication Date: now July 14, 2015! (publisher book page)

Armada by Ernest Cline

Zack Lightman is daydreaming through another dull math class when the high-tech dropship lands in his school’s courtyard-and when the men in the dark suits and sunglasses leap out of the ship and start calling his name, he’s sure he’s still dreaming.

But the dream is all too real; the people of Earth need him. As Zack soon discovers, the videogame he’s been playing obsessively for years isn’t just a game; it’s part of a massive, top-secret government training program, designed to teach gamers the skills they’ll need to defend Earth from a possible alien invasion. And now…that invasion is coming.

As he and his companions prepare to enter their ships and do battle, Zack learns that the father he thought was dead is actually a key player in this secret war. And together with his father, he’ll uncover the truth about the alien threat, race to prevent a genocide, and discover a mysterious third player in the interplanetary chess game he’s been thrown into.

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In Armada, a gamer has to use his skills to prevent an alien invasion, and reunites with his father along the way. Sounds cool, right? I’m a big fan of Cline’s Ready Player One, and while Armada isn’t a sequel it definitely sounds like it will appeal to the same audience. And there’s going to be a movie too. I expect we’ll hear a lot more about this book next year! The cover has a retro videogame Galaga thing going on that seems fitting to the story – what do you think of it?

What book(s) are you eagerly anticipating this week?


8 thoughts on “Waiting On Armada by Ernest Cline

  1. Tammy Sparks says:

    Oh Lucy!! I can’t believe this wasn’t on my radar! Ready Player One was one of my favorite books of the year (2011?) and I’ve been waiting for Clines next book since then. I may steal this idea for my WoW next week:)

  2. kay says:

    Oh my! How did I not know Ernest Cline had another book coming? And why is not not coming out sooner, when it sounds so fantastically intriguing?
    I guess I know what will be on my next WoW post! Ha!

  3. fishgirl182 says:

    i didn’t know cline had a new book coming out. cool! i really like the cover. i didn’t love ready player one as much as i wanted to but am definitely interested in reading this one.

  4. squee1313 says:

    Sounds a little bit like Ender’s Game which is such a beloved classic to me. I don’t know if I could read this and not compare the two. But, maybe Cline will give it a fresh spin and make it something unique. I absolutely LOVED Ready Player One, so I should probably have faith that this will be good on its own merits.

  5. Oh, this sounds awesome! I hadn’t heard he was releasing another book, thanks for the heads up, Lucy. 🙂

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  6. Lisa says:

    Haven’t heard of this one, but sounds pretty interesting!

    Become Blogger of the Week:

  7. beckireads says:

    This sounds like a really interesting book. I hadn’t come across it before, but I will have to keep an eye out for it – thanks for sharing.

  8. Leslie says:

    Thanks for the heads up. I didn’t know Ernest Cline had a new book in the works. Ready Player One is an all time favorite of mine!

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