Mailbox Monday (110)

Mailbox Monday buttonMailbox Monday is a weekly event where we share our latest book arrivals. Link up and find new mailboxes to stalk at the Mailbox Monday blog!

Here’s what’s in my mailbox this week:


Books in the Mail:

Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson, audiobook performed by Suzy Jackson. This book is about summer, friendship, lists and romance. It’s back to school time here already but hopefully this book will help keep that summertime feeling around a little while longer.

Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins – I never thought this day would come! I purchased this signed book and it came with adorable tote and pins. I’m powering through this one- it’s very cute.

After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid – This book is about a squabbling couple that decides to take a one year break from their marriage. Picked up a used copy because I’ve been seeing some great reviews for this one.

Knockout Games by G. Neri – For review for YA Diversity Book Club. This book is about the “knockout game” and an outsider who films the attacks.


Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover, performed by Grace Grant and Deacon Lee, with Elizabeth Louise – I’m listening to this one now- very intense! It’s about an emotionally unavailable pilot who embarks on a no-strings-attached relationship.

Sweetness #9 by Stephan Eirik Clark, performed by James Langton – This satiric novel is about the destructive effect of artificial sweeteners.

One Night Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas, performed by Edita Brychta – This is a new series from the author of the popular This Man. It kind of sounds like Ugly Love– it’s about a woman’s relationship with a guy with many secrets.

Confessions by Kanae Minato and Stephen Snydor (translator) performed by Elaina Erika Davis, Noah Galvin – This psychological thriller was a big sensation in Japan and it’s also a movie- now Confessions has a new US translation. Sounds disturbing and intense!

Digital review copies:

Scratch by Rhonda Helms – This is a New Adult book about a reserved DJ and the guy who wants to get her to open up.

All Broke Down by Cora Carmack – Book two in the Rusk University series!

Thank you to Hachette Audio, Simon & Schuster Audio, Recorded Books, Carolrhoda Lab, Kensington, and William Morrow Paperbacks

What’s new in your mailbox? 


15 thoughts on “Mailbox Monday (110)

  1. DeniseF says:

    I’ve been seeing Isla everywhere! I hope you enjoy it!

    DeniseF recently posted: Mailbox Monday (26)
  2. I’ve been hearing a lot about Isla and the Happily Ever After. Enjoy your new books!

    bermudaonion (Kathy) recently posted: Mailbox Monday
  3. I love the cover of Scratch! You got me curious about Hoover’s new title. Enjoy your new books and you are welcome to link up your audiobook reviews on Listen Up! on my blog. See left sidebar.

  4. Bluestocking says:

    Boy you got a lot!! Happy reading!

    Bluestocking recently posted: Monday Morning Update August 18, 2014
  5. Summer says:

    Oh, what a great haul! I can’t wait for you to read SYBG, I actually just made a post about it today so I hope you love it. Isla looks really good, I continually hear positive remarks about it!

    Summer recently posted: Thank you, Morgan Matson
  6. Mystica says:

    A nice bunch of mixed reads. Enjoy them all.

    Mystica recently posted: The Upstairs Wife by Rafia Zakaria
  7. Sweetness #9 sounds cool, even though I’m a Coke Zero fan! Enjoy your reads 🙂

    Sam Still Reading recently posted: Mailbox Monday 18/8/14: A Fortnight of Book Mail
  8. Since You’ve Been Gone sounds sweet – enjoy.

  9. Mary says:

    I hope you enjoy After I Do as much as I did!

    Mary recently posted: Sunday Post
  10. Looks like an exciting week ahead if I am honest! I definitely need to get around to reading a Stephanie Perkins novel soon as I have heard so much about them!

    Liv_TheAbsentHistorian recently posted: Series Review (1-3): Morganville Vampires
  11. Serena says:

    Enjoy your books.

    Serena recently posted: Mailbox Monday #284
  12. Great mailbox. All new to me. Enjoy!

    2 Kids and Tired Books MM

    Holly (2 Kids and Tired) recently posted: Mailbox Monday 8/18
  13. I love when totes come with books. Fun.

    ENJOY the Isla book. Isla is my great niece’s name. 🙂

    Gorgeous covers on those audio books.

    Have a wonderful reading week.

    Silver’s Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

    Elizabeth (Silver's Reviews) recently posted: It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - 8/18/14
  14. Awww Isla! I still need to get that one. Glad you are enjoying it so far. I am sad that summer is almost over but I really don’t like hot weather so I am ready for fall!

    fishgirl182 @ nite lite recently posted: Manicure Monday (74): Where’d You Go, Bernadette
  15. Ooo, I didn’t know All Broke Down was on Edelweiss! I can’t wait to get home and download it.

    Glad you’re liking Isla. It’s totally adorable!

    Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook recently posted: Review: Heroes Are My Weakness by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

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