Top Ten Most Anticipated 2013 Reads

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature from The Broke and the Bookish. This week we have the daunting task of counting down the most anticipated books of 2013. And I only cheated a little! (I am leaving off so many books and it kills me…)

Just One Day by Gayle Forman1. Just One Day by Gayle Forman – Forman is one of my favorite contemporary authors and all the early reviews make this book sound incredible. Star Crossed by Jennifer Echols

2. Golden by Jessi Kirby – This one has romance and mystery, and I’m a fan of Kirby’s book In Honor and looking forward to reading more from her.

3. New Books by Jennifer Echols – Echols has 4 books due out in 2013 and you can bet I want to read them all. Here are a couple I’m particularly interested in: Star Crossed (Adult Romantic Comedy) and Dirty Little Secret (YA Romantic Drama)

This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith4. This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith – This one sounds so sweet, and I hope it’s as good as The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight.The Book of Broken Hearts by Sarah Ockler

5. Requiem by Lauren Oliver – I have a nervous excitement about this one, as with most series conclusions.

6. The Book of Broken Hearts by Sarah Ockler – This does sound intriguing, and there are sisters, a forbidden crush, and motorcycles.

The Lucy Variations by Sara Zarr7. The Lucy Variations by Sara Zarr – I loved How to Save a Life and the music theme of this book caught my attention.

8. Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins – For the second year in a row I’m anticipating this one, and I’m sure it will be worth the wait.Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead

9. Boundless by Cynthia Hand – What’s going to happen in the series conclusion?!

10. New books by Richelle Mead – First up is The Indigo Spell in Feb, then Gameboard of the Gods in June (Adult Paranormal), and then The Fiery Heart in the fall. Wow!

What are your 2013 must-reads?


38 thoughts on “Top Ten Most Anticipated 2013 Reads

  1. I’m excited for so many of these as well – Gayle Forman definitely, love her books so much. And the news that Jennifer Echols has 5 books in 2013 makes me super happy! Also can’t wait for Requiem, find out what happens there and Isla too. Such a fab list!

  2. ‘Just One Day’, ‘This is What Happy Looks Like’, & ‘The Lucy Variations’ looks so good! 🙂 My TTT list:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  3. Okay first off….HOLY CRAP YOUR BLOG IS SO CUTE! Secondly, it looks like you have a great list of realistic/contemp reads that I will definitely have to look out for! So thanks for sharing!

    Jennifer @ A Librarian’s Library–MY TTT!

    1. Lucy says:

      Aww thanks Jennifer! My taste has been leaning towards contemp lately and that is definitely reflected on the list. Though there are some paranormal and dystopia books I have my eye on too. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I can’t believe I forgot to put Boundless and Isla on my list. I’m such a failure! 😉

    1. Lucy says:

      I think we need to do a part two next week – there are just too many books!

  5. bookgoonie says:

    Love your list. I think I have almost all of them on my GR wish list BUT didn’t realize Echols was showing us so much love in 2013 & Mead too. Woot!!!

    1. Lucy says:

      I’m so excited about the Mead and Echols books, hopefully they all come out as planned!

  6. I’m super excited for the Richelle Mead books too – I’m a big fan.

  7. KateB says:

    Wow… Richelle Mead is a MACHINE! She keeps writing and writing – and I adore all the books of hers that I’ve read.

  8. Great list, I just finished Requiem and its left me ………. (no spoilers), lol

  9. Brittany says:

    Yes to all!!! I can’t wait to read Just One Day. Sigh. It should be on its way to me soon! I get to borrow from another blogger, bless her heart!
    Golden looks great too, and I’m really excited for Requiem and This is what Happy Looks Like!!

    1. Lucy says:

      Yay I’m glad you’re getting Just One Day, Brittany. I did a little happy dance this week when I found out it was on the way to me too 🙂 So many good books to look forward to!

  10. I haven’t heard of Jennifer Echols, but four books!?! Number 4 looks super cute and of course the new Stephanie Perkins!

    1. Lucy says:

      Such a Rush is my favorite by Echols, and Going Too Far is a good one too. I’ve heard good things about #4 and yay for Isla! Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  11. Tammy Sparks says:

    Great choices, Lucy! I almost put Just One Day on my list. There are just too many!!

  12. BermudaOnion says:

    I can’t wait to read Life After Life by Kate Atkinson, The Best of Us by Sarah Pekkanen, and Looking For Me by Beth Hoffman.

    1. Lucy says:

      Those all sound great, Kathy. Especially Life After Life- added to my TBR!

  13. Just One Day I keep hearing lots about. Think I need to read a Gayle Forman book.

    The Book of Broken Hearts and This Is What Happy Looks like are definitely making my list even though I’m not all that a fan of contemporary.

    Great list!!!

    1. Lucy says:

      My list is contemporary heavy, but there are other genres I’ll be checking out next year too. If I Stay by Gayle Forman is wonderful if you want to check out any of her books. Thanks for stopping by, Livvy!

      1. Thanks for the suggestion! 🙂

  14. I forgot about Gayle Forman’s new book! So many good books coming in 2013!

  15. kay says:

    Oh gosh I forgot Sarah Ockler’s book on my list! This makes me so sad, as it is certainly one of my most awaited books!
    Great list though! I’m also looking forward to Just One day; I love Gayle Forman! And Jennifer Echols sure writes a lot! I’m excited to discover what she has for us in 2013.

  16. Katie says:

    Awesome list! I couple of these are on my list, but you also listed a couple that I’d never heard of that have now been added to my TBR list!
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  17. fishgirl182 says:

    how in the world does jennifer echols have 4 books coming out next year? that’s crazy! and i didn’t know richelle mead had that many either. so excited about all of her books though. she is a total auto-buy for me.

    1. Lucy says:

      So many books! They are writing machines aren’t they? Agreed that Mead is auto-buy- lots to look forward to!

  18. vmcarswell says:

    Great list! I almost put Just One Day on mine and also Isla. I just love Stephanie Perkins! It’s funny that after Isla, she is supposed to be doing a slasher novel. Scarlet is definitely my #1 anticipation and so far I think Cinder is going to be my favorite 2012 read.

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

    1. Lucy says:

      That is interesting that Perkins is writing a slasher novel – I love her contemp romance but maybe she needs a change. Cinder is probably on my top ten this year too. Hope you like Scarlet just as much!

  19. Great list! I had not heard of quite a few of those!

  20. Kelsey says:

    I have Boundless on my list too!! So excited for it!
    I still haven’t read anything by Gayle Forman, but I have some of his books on my wishlist from family, so here’s hoping I get them!

  21. Christina says:

    Looks like Isla and the Happily Ever After and Dirty Little Secret are popular choices! They’re both on my list as well.

  22. marissa says:

    so excited for requiem, isla and indigo spell! I haven’t read jennifer echols yet but I think I really need to fix that!

    here’s my my Top 10

  23. A lot of the contemporaries on your list are ones that I’m looking forward to as well! I’m absolutely dying, most specifically, to get my hands on Isla and the Happily Ever After!

  24. veganyanerds says:

    Wow, THREE books by Richelle next year, woooooo! And I am also excited about Jennifers books and Sara Zarr’s!

  25. Ack ack ack!!! I want them ALL! I’d better hurry and get through my towering pile of TBR now! Thanks for sharing! You have the best taste in books! 🙂

  26. […] of my favorite topics- listing the books I’m most excited to read next year. I took a peek at last year’s list to see how I did, and I actually read just about all of them. Let’s see if I picked the right […]

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