Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion Book Review

Warm Bodies is a book I’ve had on my shelf for a while and for whatever reason (the zombie factor?) have been putting off reading. But, now I’m going to see a screening of the movie and I like to read the book first so Warm Bodies jumped to the top of my TBR pile. Also, the movie trailer totally sold me.

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion

Warm Bodies is about a zombie named R, who gets some of his humanity back when he connects with a living girl named Julie. (Like the famous star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet, but with a zombie twist!)  R has no memory of his human life but gets to experience the memories of his victims as he ingests their brains (ewww). Julie is the ex of R’s latest victim, so that gives him a whole other level of connection. R and Julie team up to try to save the world from the zombie virus.

Admittedly I haven’t read a lot of zombie novels, but I found Warm Bodies to be compulsively readable. It has a witty and accessible tone that quickly drew me in. And R is very sweet and root-worthy as far as zombies go. Isaac Marion does make you care about the zombies and hope for their cure and the fate of the world.Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion movie edition

The zombie hive lives in an abandoned airport and they form into family units. R makes his home in a jet with his few possessions including his record player and Frank Sinatra records. He rides the elevator and grunts to his friend M to pass the time at the airport. R is an eccentric protagonist and I loved his inner voice, and experiencing his hopes and yearnings. I didn’t warm to Julie as much, but wanted her to fall for R just the same since he was so taken with her. Julie’s friend Nora and R’s friend M are also standout characters.

Warm Bodies explores what it means to live and gets pretty deep for a zombie book. The book wraps up with a satisfying ending, but it’s a nice surprise that Isaac Marion is currently writing a sequel. I’d like to hear more of R’s back-story personally. Marion is a really talented writer and I’m definitely on board with the sequel whenever it comes out.

Check back soon for a Movie Date review of Warm Bodies! And I’ll also be writing about the e-book prequel novella The New Hunger. It’s turning into Warm Bodies week!


14 thoughts on “Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion Book Review

  1. MsJohannah says:

    I’ve been wanting to read this book.

  2. I am so glad you liked it because I want to read this book before the movie comes out!

    1. Lucy says:

      Can’t wait to hear what you think of it!

  3. I am waiting for this from the library- I cannot wait! I must read it before the movie review. Happy to hear you like it.

    1. Lucy says:

      If at all possible I prefer to read the book before seeing the movie. I hope you get WB from the library soon!

  4. MTG Reviews says:

    I read Warm Bodies a couple years ago and remember enjoying it much like you did. I cannot wait to see the movie. I’m actually looking forward to it more than I am The Host or Beautiful Creatures. Crazy, I know. But the trailers make it look so good. And I think I may have a bit of a crush on R. 😉

    1. Lucy says:

      I agree with you Jenna, WB looks like more my kind of movie than the Host or Beautiful Creatures. Hope it lives up to the book! And R is definitely crush worthy 🙂 Looking forward to hearing what you think of the movie!

  5. Candice says:

    I saw the movie preview and really wasn’t too interested… despite loving zombie books! Maybe I should read this one and get more excited over the movie!

    1. Lucy says:

      The tone of the trailer is pretty funny and it looks like a teen zombie romance, but it may be misleading based on the bigger themes of the book. We shall see! I can see you liking the book though.

  6. Quinn says:

    I really want to read this one too. I have it from the library, but still haven’t read it. The trailer sold me too! I definitely want to see the movie, but need read the book first. Glad you liked it.

  7. Redhead says:

    i don’t usually go for zombie stuff, but the movie preview had me cracking up laughing. I had no idea the movie was based on a book! that’s the best surprise I’ve had all day, because now i can enjoy the story two different ways. 😀

    1. Lucy says:

      I saw the movie tonight, and the audience was laughing a lot. If you like the preview I think you’ll really enjoy the movie. And yes, read the book first 🙂

  8. So glad to hear you liked this! I’m not a big zombie fan, but I added this to my TBR after seeing the trailer. I definitely want to read it!

  9. bookgoonie says:

    I’ve wanted to read this for about a year. I don’t know why I haven’t just bought it. I look at my local HPB every time I’m there. No luck. I think it is a unique approach, but my experience is somewhat limited in the genre. I like that it has depth & appealing to the YA audience.

    Must get it read before the movie.

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