Top Ten Authors Whose Books I Own



Top Ten Tuesday


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature from The Broke and the Bookish. This week we’re counting down the Ten Authors I Own The Most Books From. 

This was a fun yet challenging list! I have books on my kindle, on my shelves, on my phone, and on my audible account so it wasn’t easy determining which author’s appeared the most. But I was really curious to find out! Goodreads seemed like a good place to gather this info so that’s where I started. What is funny is that though I may own the most books by these authors that doesn’t mean that they are the most read authors in my collection. Hmmm.

1. Richelle Mead – I have her Vampire Academy (6+ 1 graphic novel), Bloodlines (5) and Georgina Kincaid (6) series so that’s 18 books? Whoa. I guessed correctly that Mead would top this list.

2. Cassandra Clare – I own the Mortal Instruments series in print (6) + audio (1), the Infernal Devices in print (3) + audio (3), and the Bane Chronicles (3 audio). That makes 16!

3. Colleen Hoover – I own almost all of her books in print (including a preorder of Ugly Love) so that includes the Slammed series (3 + Slammed and This Girl in audio), the Hopeless series (3 + Losing Hope & Finding Cinderella in audio), and Maybe Someday in print & audio. 13 in total!

4. David Levithan – My teen and I collect DL’s books and his books take up a whole shelf! We have print copies of: Two Boys Kissing (and audio), Every Day, Every You, Every Me, The Lover’s Dictionary, Love is the Higher Law, How they Met and Other Stories, The Realm of Possibility, Boy Meets Boy, Invisibility, Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares, and Will Grayson, Will Grayson. That makes 12!

5. Maggie Stiefvater – I own many of Stiefvater’s books in print and audio format. (I won a charity auction for a set of signed audiobooks) I own the Wolves of Mercy Falls series in HC (4) and audio (4), The Scorpio Races audio (1), and The Raven Boys & The Dream Thieves audio (2). So that makes 11 total.

6. Gayle Forman – I own If I Stay and Where She Went in print and audio, Just One Day and Just One Year in print and audio, plus Just One Night in kindle format. Also I own Sisters in Sanity in print. So that makes a total of 10.

7. John Green – The teen and I collect JG’s books & own all his books in print (6 including Will Grayson, Will Grayson and Let it Snow). Plus I own audio copies of TFIOS (both versions- John Green and Kate Rudd narration), and Paper Towns. That’s a total of 9 books.

8. Rainbow Rowell – I own all her books (Attachments, Eleanor & Park, Fangirl, Landline) in print and audio format so that’s a total of 8 books.

9. Sara Zarr – I own Roomies (audio), The Lucy Variations (print and audio), How to Save a Life, Sweethearts, Story of a Girl (audio), and Once Was Lost, so that makes 7 total.

10. Lauren Oliver – I own the Delirium trilogy in print + Delirium in audio, Liesl & Po in audio, and The Spindlers in print and audio, for a total of 7.

Audiobook narrator bonus! I own more books narrated by Emma Galvin than any author on this list so she deserves a shout-out. Audiobooks I own include: Divergent series (3), Forever & Sinner, Beautiful Disaster series (2), California, Confessions of a Murder Suspect, Countdown, Exile, Faking It, Faking Normal, Hold Still, Lucid, Poison Princess, The Probability of Miracles, Red Hill, and Winter’s Bone. That makes 19!

Which authors top your list?



25 thoughts on “Top Ten Authors Whose Books I Own

  1. Heehee the authors that topped my list this week are not my most read authors, either. I have collected certain authors but haven’t read a lot of them lol. David Levithan made my list, and I am slowly working my way through his pile, because I love him tremendously!

    Jennifer @ A Librarian’s Library–My TTT!

    1. Lucy says:

      I have quite a few unread DL books too! But they are there for when the mood strikes me 🙂 It is interesting to see our most collected authors this week.

  2. Carrie-Anne says:

    The three authors topping my list were Leon Uris, Hermann Hesse, and Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn. I have very dinosaur tastes in just about everything, and very rarely read any modern writers.

    Carrie-Anne recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday—Most-Owned Authors
    1. Lucy says:

      You know what you like and that is awesome!

  3. Awesome List!! Richelle Mead and Cassandra Clare made my list too. I have 2 of John Green’s books as well – just got them and yet to read them 🙂

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday list if you want to check it out!

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

    Chene Sterckx recently posted: ~ MWYA 1 Year Blogoversary ~
    1. Lucy says:

      I’m not caught up on John Green yet either but it’s nice we have them for when the mood strikes 🙂

  4. Ooh fabulous list. I really want to read some Maggie Stiefvater at some point. I hear such good things about her work.

    1. Lucy says:

      I don’t read a lot of paranormal otherwise, though I really enjoy Stiefvater’s books. I especially recommend Shiver, Sinner, and The Scorpio Races.

  5. Is it bad that I haven’t read anything by Sara Zarr yet? I really want to too! I’m going to have to rectify that very soon.

    Great list!

    1. Lucy says:

      Not bad at all! I think I read one or two of her books and then started collecting them when I saw them on sale 🙂 How to Save a Life is the one that hooked me.

  6. I own all of Rowell’s books too but only own one copy of each. I own quite a few of John Green’s books but have only read one of them. I need to get with it!

    bermudaonion (Kathy) recently posted: Review: A Bintel Brief
    1. Lucy says:

      I hear ya about John Green. I think I’ll read each one as they become movies, so Paper Towns is next!

  7. Sofia says:

    Cassandra Clare made my list, too!
    My TTT

  8. Samantha says:

    Awesome list!

    Check out my blog as well. Maybe even hit the follow button? It’d be greatly appreciated!

  9. Great list! I definitely need to get more of Rainbow Rowell’s books. I have Landline on my Audible account, but I don’t have any of her other books. I have Gayle Forman on my list, but in a slightly different context than what the original topic for this week was, because I decided to list some authors that I want more books from.

    Here is my TTT

    Justin @ Justin's Book Blog recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I own the most books from
  10. Cate says:

    Nice list! I don’t have a lot from those authors but I do have at least one from each. 🙂

    Cate recently posted: TOP TEN TUESDAYS | Bibliographies
  11. Richelle Mead definitely is high on my list as are Maggie Stiefvater and Rainbow Rowell.

    fishgirl182 @ nite lite recently posted: Highlights from Comic Con 2014
  12. Oh man, I adore Rainbow Rowell! She is seriously the BEST! I should try her audiobooks. I liked Landline as an audio a lot.

    Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook recently posted: Ten Authors I Own The Most Books From
    1. Lucy says:

      I especially recommend Eleanor & Park in audio format – it has dual narration. One of my fave ever audiobooks!

  13. Cayce says:

    Wow, you own so many audiobooks! I own quite a few Colleen Hoover books (though I have only read Slammed so far), and Fangirl! I have that one on audio too. 🙂
    I didn’t make a TTT this week (am too lazy to take photos) but Agatha Christie, Stephen King and Banana Yoshimoto would definitely make my list (I’m quite a collector of their works)

  14. OK I am officially embarrassed because I FORGOT to put Richelle on my list. I think she would have been tied but I still own 2 series from her (plus the graphic novel like you). I didn’t include audiobooks in my count. It wouldn’t have changed my authors but it would have changed my numbers..I like your audiobook narrator bonus!

    Katie @ Polished Page Turners recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday: July 29, 2014
  15. elena says:

    totally agree w the amount of Rainbow Rowell books!! and wow, lotta Gayle books. 🙂

  16. I have a ton of Mead and Clare and Stiefvater too-and like you, I have many different formats! It’s some sort of illness, this need to hoard and treasure. 🙂 I probably have more books by, about, and inspired by Laura Ingalls Wilder than any other, though. I also have nearly 40 of the J.D. Robb futuristic thriller romances, jeez.

    Wendy Darling recently posted: Silver Shadows: review
  17. I totally forgot to include Rainbow Rowell in my list but I have read all her books too 😀
    I’ve also read two of John Green’s books. I really love his writing 😀
    my top ten tuesday:

    Farzy @ Books Keep Me Sane recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday #14: Authors I Read the Most Books From
  18. Monica says:

    Great list!
    Although I haven’t done my list yet, I think John Green and Sara Zarr would be on my list too 🙂

    Monica recently posted: Sweethearts by Sara Zarr

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