Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR

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Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature from The Broke and the Bookish. Happy fall! ALL THE BOOKS come out in the fall – so many books vying for our attention. Even though the weather is still very summery as I write this I am ready to tackle this Fall TBR. Though my track record is not great with these TBR lists since I get distracted by books I didn’t even know existed, at this time I think my Fall TBR is solid.

Top Ten books on my Fall TBR:

What We Left Behind by Robin Talley – I loved this author’s Lies We Tell Ourselves and can’t wait to read her follow up. This timely book is about gender identity, relationships, college, and self-discovery.

Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith – This looks like a sweet read about how relationships evolve the summer before college.

I Crawl Through It by A.S. King – I’ll try out anything by King, and her latest surreal novel sounds really out there and I’m so curious to check it out. I’ll be listening to the audio, which is read by the author.

All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely – I’m a big fan of Jason Reynolds’ books and can’t wait to get my hands on his latest. This book takes on current events and is about a racially charged police brutality incident.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell – This book is so mysterious since there weren’t early copies available to reviewers! But I liked Fangirl and think this spinoff could be a lot of fun.

November 9 by Colleen Hoover – The November 9 date seems to be important to this story, but the book is releasing on November 10! A writer and his muse meet on the same date every year.

Cam Girl by Leah Raeder – This New Adult book deals with gender identity, sexuality, obsession, friendship, and more. Readers of this author don’t even need to know what it’s about to know they want to read it.

The Bollywood Bride by Sonali Dev – Can’t wait to read this follow-up to A Bollywood Affair. This second chance love story sounds terrific.

Pretending to Dance by Diane Chamberlain – In this suspense novel, Molly and her husband want to adopt a child but Molly’s secret past threatens their future.

After You by Jojo Moyes – I didn’t necessarily think Me Before You needed a sequel but I’m eager to see where the author takes the story!

What books are on your Fall TBR?


11 thoughts on “Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR

  1. Thanks for sharing your list!

    Pat @ Posting For Now recently posted: Mailbox Monday: September 14, 2015
  2. At least four of those – Carry On, After You, November 9, and Hello, Goodbye, and Everything In Between – are on my list as well.

    bermudaonion (Kathy) recently posted: Review: Anchor & Flares
  3. A Bollywood Affair was so so so good and I also cannot wait to read The Bollywood Bride. Although I can’t imagine anything topping the first one.

    Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook recently posted: Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR
  4. It is so not fall weather where we are. I have mixed feelings about After You. I loved Me Before You and I am just not sure I need a sequel. We’ll see. I’ll probably break down and read it. Also excited about Rowell’s new book. I need to catch up on her backlist though.

    fishgirl182 @ nite lite recently posted: Fall Pilot Season
  5. Allyson says:

    I have seen Pretending to Dance on 7 different Top Ten Tuesday lists this week! I think it’s time I checked it out 🙂

    Allyson recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday: Fall 2015 TBR Books
  6. SweetMarie83 says:

    Great list! Cam Girl is high on my TBR, but I forgot to add it to my list. Happy reading! 🙂

    SweetMarie83 recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday: Fall TBR Edition
  7. Leslie H. says:

    Hi! Almost half of these are either on my TBR list or my TBR after my TBR list. 🙂 Lots of good ones here.
    My TTT

    Leslie H. recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday: Fall TBR List
  8. Carrie says:

    I reviewed Pretending to Dance for RT Book Reviews & I loved it! I hope you enjoy it too 🙂 My TTT

  9. I am yet to read anything by A.S. King or Leah Raeder but I really like the sound of their books so I must rectify that soon! Great picks!

    Charlotte @ recently posted: One by Sarah Crossan
  10. kay says:

    I’m super intrigued by Carry On, I’ll definitely be looking for this one too. Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between is definitely on my list too, I’ve enjoyed all I have read by the author!
    I hadn’t heard of Camgirl, but I’m intrigued enough. I’ll have to keep an eye on it.

  11. I’ve heard so much about A.S. King, and I own one of her books. I really need to give her a try! I hope you enjoy your TBR this season!

    Michelle @ In Libris Veritas recently posted: Reading & Ranting: Bedtime Booktag

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