Mailbox Monday #26

Mailbox Monday is a weekly event where we share our latest book arrivals. Join in to share your book loot and discover some new book blogs. Kathy at BermudaOnion’s Weblog is the host for November, so be sure to say hi and link up!

My mailbox is all-digital this week and my bookshelves are thankful:

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The Death of Bees by Lisa O’Donnell – from Harper via Edelweiss

Summerset Abbey by T.J. Brown – from Gallery Books via Netgalley for a blog tour

The Tragedy Paper by Elizabeth LaBan – from Knoph via Netgalley

Collateral by Ellen Hopkins – Audiobook from Simon & Schuster audio (listening now & it’s very addictive)

Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens – Audiobook from Simon & Schuster audio

Love Unrehearsed and Love Unscripted by Tina Reber – Audiobook from Simon & Schuster audio


Between by Jessica Warman (Kindle daily deal)

Flawed by Kate Avelynn

Life on the Edge by Jennifer Comeaux

Have a great week!


16 thoughts on “Mailbox Monday #26

  1. ooh a slide show. fun! the death of bees sounds interesting though the blurb mentions swamplandia anda the life of bees, two books i wasn’t a huge fan of. i think i’ll let you read this one first and see what you think. 🙂

    don’t tell but i have never read an ellen hopkins book. i know, bad bad reader. glad you’re liking collateral though.

    have fun with your new books, lucy!

  2. Great book haul & love the slideshow! My In My Mailbox:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  3. shannonjoe says:

    You always have such great recommendations since we have some of the same tastes! 🙂

    My FAVE book this week was Envy by Sandra Brown.


  4. These all sounds great. I just added The Death of Bees to my Goodreads shelf. It sounds very interesting. Enjoy all your new books!

  5. bookgoonie says:

    I dig the new digital share thingy. Some beautiful covers. Can’t wait to see what you say about Collateral. I think that is a Hopkins’ adult book.

  6. BermudaOnion says:

    I’m reading Collateral right now – Ellen Hopkins is a genius!

  7. Summerset Abbey is on my wish list. Happy reading!

  8. Great books. I’ve been seeing Summerset Abbey around and it looks really good. Enjoy!
    2 Kids and Tired Books MM

  9. Kaye says:

    Love the cover on Summerset Abbey. Have a good week and enjoy your new reads!

  10. Summerset Abbey has a beautiful cover. Very Downton Abbey-esque. I keep seeing Flawed around too. I might have to check it out. Enjoy your books!

  11. Leslie says:

    I’ve seen The Death of Bees on a few blogs. The others are new titles for me. They sound great. Enjoy your week.

  12. Mary says:

    I’ll be looking for the reviews of Summerset Abbey!

  13. Elizabeth says:

    The Death of Bees and Summerset Abbey look interesting to me.

    ENJOY all your books.

    Silver’s Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  14. Kelsey says:

    The digital mailbox thingy is awesome! It’s a nice way to show off the covers for sure! I want to read Between, I have it on my library wishlist. 🙂

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