Mailbox Monday (139)

Mailbox Monday is a weekly event where we share our latest book arrivals. Link up and find new mailboxes to stalk at the Mailbox Monday blog!

This week was crazy and left me with little blogging or reading time. I was especially busy with getting my teenager ready to go to Europe for Spring Break. I miss her so much! This is empty nest practice for me for the time college rolls around I guess.

Mailbox Monday button

Books (and dvd’s) in the Mail: 

Mailbox Monday (139)

One Thing Stolen by Beth Kephart – This book is set in Florence, Italy and is about a girl who is losing her grip on reality.


Big Hero Six – I missed seeing this one in theaters and hear good things! And also that it is quite sad.

Mockingjay Part 1 – I re-watched this recently and it holds up well. Can’t wait for part 2.

Hold Me Closer: The Tiny Cooper Story by David Levithan – This is a companion novel / musical script to Will Grayson, Will Grayson.

Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee – Hey, a YA Western – you don’t see those everyday!

Review eBooks:

Hold Me Like a Breath by Tiffany Schmidt – This is the first book of the Once Upon a Crime Family series and is a part thriller/ part spin on the Princess and the Pea tale. Sounds really unique!

Jesse’s Girl by Miranda Kenneally – The latest installment of the Hundred Oaks series features a girl who wants to be a rock star and gets the chance to shadow a famous Nashville celebrity.

What’s new in your mailbox?


14 thoughts on “Mailbox Monday (139)

  1. Lovely books as always 🙂 I hope your teenager has fun in Europe – that’s what I call a holiday!

    Sam Still Reading recently posted: Mailbox Monday 23/3/15
  2. Mary says:

    That empty nest is an adjustment at first but it soon became quite enjoyable for us 🙂 Hope your daughter has a fantastic time on break. Enjoy your new books!

    Mary recently posted: The Bookseller by Cynthia Swanson
  3. I’m not a parent (of human kids) so I don’t know empty nest but I have heard it is hard.

    Enjoy Fairest!

    Felicia The Geeky Blogger recently posted: Audiobook Review: Why Lords Lose Their Hearts by Manda Collins
  4. Oh, yes, the empty nest….mine actually took more than a decade to empty, with four kids and the tendency of some of them to keep coming back…LOL.

    I love the look of One Thing Stolen….I think I may have seen that on Vine…going now to check!

    Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.

    Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted: AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
  5. Nice Mailbox.

    Hold Me Like A Breath sounds good.

    ENJOY your reading week.

    Silver’s Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

    Elizabeth (Silver's Reviews) recently posted: It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - 3/23/15
  6. I enjoyed Mockingjay – Part 1. The series was three books. I don’t know how many CDs there are – it gets confusing. It looks like you received some great books. Enjoy!

    Pat @ Posting For Now recently posted: Mailbox Monday: March 23, 2015
  7. Big Hero 6 is super cute! I also have not seen Mockingjay. I am annoyed that it’s 2 films. I really want to read the Tiny Cooper book. I love Tiny!

  8. The audio for Fairest is excellent. It’s a great book. I’m curious about Big Hero 6, too. You’ll have to let me know what you think of it.

    Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook recently posted: Review: Hard Knocks by Lori Foster
  9. kay says:

    One thing stolen as ha striking cover – and it sounds good too! I’m adding it to my wishlist for sure.

    Interestingly I have been going back and forth on Finding Jake all week! I can’t decide whether I want to read or listen to it.
    Hope your teenager has a wonderful time in Europe! 🙂

    kay recently posted: Filling the Shelf – 162
  10. Bellezza says:

    What a wonderful collection! I didn’t know about Beth Kephart’s book, but it sounds wonderful especially with the Italian setting. And, my class keeps telling me how wonderful Big Hero is. I think it ties with Despicable Me, neither which I’ve seen since my son is now 24. 😉

  11. Vicki says:

    Finding Jake sounds really good. I’m picking it as one of my “Books That Caught Our Eye” choices this week.

    Vicki recently posted: Mailbox Monday
  12. Serena says:

    I LOVED One Thing Stolen!

  13. […] Finding Jake by Bryan Reardon @The Reading Date […]

  14. MarthaE says:

    Hold Me Like a Breath looks particularly interesting to me. I am still planning to start the Lunar series. Maybe I’ll get to Cinder in April!
    Enjoy your reading and listening!

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