Mailbox Monday is a weekly event where we share our latest book arrivals. Join in to share your book loot and discover some new book blogs. Caitlin @ chaotic compendiums is the host for March, so be sure to say hi and link up!
E-Books for Review:
Red by Allison Cherry from Random House – In Scarlettville, having red hair is a must. What will Felicity do when the secret that her red locks come from a bottle is exposed? Sounds fun!
Dancer, Daughter, Traitor, Spy by Elizabeth Kiem from Soho Teen – Set in the Soviet Union and New York in 1982, a ballerina with a supernatural gift tries to solve the mystery of her mother’s disappearance.
Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols from Simon & Schuster – Jennifer Echols takes on country music! A must for a Nashville (& Echols) fan like me.
The Bookstore by Deborah Meyler from Gallery Books – Set in New York, a (pregnant) British art history student takes a job at The Owl bookstore. A book celebrating bookstores! Looks cute.
Blaze (or Love in the Time of Supervillains) by Laurie Boyle Crompton from Sourcebooks – Blaze takes on the sexting topic when a comic loving girl gets caught in a scandal. Love the cover.
Written in Red by Anne Bishop from Penguin Audio – I am in the mood for a new Urban Fantasy series and this one is getting some great reviews.
Requiem by Lauren Oliver – Scared to read it, but I have it!
Reckless (audiobook) by S.C. Stephens – Really good! (Review)
Salvation by Anne Osterlund – Bookish girl falls for popular guy with a twist. I’ve been waiting for this hold to come in and I’m excited to read it.
Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter – Heist Society 3!
Bookish Birthday Gifts:
Breaking Dawn part 2 DVD – From my sis – thank you! Andrew is going to write a Movie Date about this one, and I’m a little scared about that.
Betty Goes Vegan by Annie & Dan Shannon – A couple of vegan cookbooks from my sister-in-law. This one is a kind of vegan-ized Betty Crocker.
Vegan Eats World by Terry Hope Romero – Vegan international recipes. There’s so many I can’t wait to try.
Happy reading!
These all look so very fantastic! I’ll be waiting for your review on Red! ^__^
my friend read written in blood and loved it. i might end up getting it on my kindle soon. and omg about breaking dawn. my friend just made her husband watch it with her last week and we had a hilarious discussion about it. while i think it’s one of the better twilight movies, i can admit that it’s still pretty bad. 🙂
would love to know what you think of blaze. i am intrigued by the premise and the cover is pretty cool. enjoy your new books, lucy!
Some of these are new to me. They look very interesting. I really love looking at people’s hauls. Come check out my STS as well.
I know what you mean about being scared to read Requiem, I love all the other books so much and cannot stand the idea of being disappointed with the ending. I’ll probably just force myself to read it because you never know, I might feel differently than some of the reviews out there.
Red sounds really interesting and one I’m likely to pick-up when it comes out.
The vegan books look good – will you share some of the things you cook? 🙂
ENJOY….I like the looks of THE BOOKSTORE.
Silver’s Reviews
My Mailbox Monday
So many books! How do you have time to read them all?
I’m not too big on country music, but I love the cover for Dirty Little Secret. 🙂
As a redhead, “Red” sounds really interesting. Hope you enjoy all your books, Lucy!
Nice mailbox this week! Dirty Little Secret catches my eye.
Lots of great colors on your new books! Enjoy them! Come visit my bookish memes post!
You have some interesting titles…hope you enjoy them all!
The Bookstore is calling to me…and here’s MY MONDAY MEMES POST
New titles for me, enjoy!
That’s an awesome mailbox! I’ve been intrigued by Red, I feel like it could go either way on the good/bad scale! I hadn’t heard of The Bookstore but it sounds like something I should investigate. Happy reading!
Urban paranormal has always been a favorite genre. It seems like its been hit or miss, mostly miss, lately. I checked out Written In Red. It has a twist I never heard of so I put it on my library list. Here’s to hoping it’s a hit.
I like the look of bookstore!
I am practically having to sit on my hands to keep myself from requesting Dancer, Daughter… I’m definitely going to look forward to your thoughts on that one.
Happy reading! 🙂
Dancer, Daughter, Traitor Spy looks AWESOME! I definitely need to look into that one. Happy reading 🙂
Blaze looks pretty interesting and I love the cover. Oooh, you got your Breaking Dawn. I haven’t yet seen that. I hope it’s good.
Great haul! 🙂
I’m so excited for Red. The Bookstore sounds cute and yay for Dirty Little Secret. Enjoy =D
Here’s my Book Haul post.
Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile
Great haul this week. Written in Red looks really good. I’ve read Blaze and rely enjoyed it. Happy reading.