Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2013

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature from The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Favorite new-to-me Authors of the year! I didn’t read a ton of new-to-me authors this year, but the ones I read certainly made an impression. Authors are listed in alphabetical order below:

1. Cora Carmack – I can’t believe I first read Losing It this year- and three of Cormack’s other books! Such a rising star in New Adult! And openly straightshe has a new series starting up next year- can’t wait.

2. Bill Konigsberg – Just based on Openly Straight alone Bill Konigsberg has earned favorite status. Hmmm, I should pick up his other book, Out of the Pocket.

3. Alex London Proxy is a great find, a smart dystopia with a gay lead character.  I’m so looking forward to reading the sequel Guardian next year.

yaqui delgado wants to kick your ass4. Erin McCarthy – Erin McCarthy’s True Believers NA series launched this year and I’ll have read three of the books before the year is out. Fabulous NA series!

5. Meg Medina – Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass is not Medina’s debut novel but it’s the first that came to my attention. Thank you, banned books week for shining a light on this wonderful book!

6. Carrie Mesrobian – Sex & Violence is a stellar debut, really, go read it.  And I can’t wait to read Perfectlysex & violence Good White Boy next year.

7. Jojo Moyes – I’ve only read Me Before You by Moyes, so I have a few books to catch up on! And her (July) 2014 book The One Plus One looks good.

8. Emily Murdoch – If You Find Me is one of my favorite books of the year, and I hear her next book is called Forget Me Knots, and I’m desperate to find out more about it.

forgive me leonard peacock9. Matthew Quick – I got introduced to Quick through Silver Linings Playbook, but I’ve since read Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock, and soon The Good Luck of Right Now. Good stuff!

10. Amy Spalding – I got to read two of Amy Spalding’s books this year- The Reece Malcolm List and Ink is Thicker Than Water. An awesome new voice in contemporary YA!

Who are your favorite author discoveries of the year?


11 thoughts on “Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2013

  1. bookgoonie says:

    Urgh! So many of them are still waiting patiently for us to meet for type first time. I met Amy & Matthew this year too. Looking forward to reading their other books in 2014.

  2. BermudaOnion says:

    The only one I’ve read is Me Before You but I hope to remedy that soon since I have Quick’s new book.

  3. elena says:

    I really liked Me Before You as well and need to read more from her!!

  4. I haven’t read any of those authors. I must try at least one in 2014 🙂

  5. Sunny says:

    I haven’t read most of these authors on your list, but I really want to for Spalding! I’m glad that you read her books this year. 2014 will be for sure for me!

  6. Andrea says:

    LOVED Losing It! I’ve got Forgive Me on audio already, but I haven’t gotten to it yet, And I’ve read Erin McCarthy’s adult books, but haven’t given her NA books a try yet. So many books to add to the tbr list…

  7. Maggie says:

    Cora Carmack is a great choice! I haven’t seen her on any other lists, but her books always impress me. I could have easily added a bunch more of your authors to my list, this was a hard one!

  8. fishgirl182 says:

    A lot of these authors are on my TBR list. And Jojo Moyes – so good. I need to read her other books.

  9. I cannot believe Cora Carmack was only this year. It has felt like this year has flew by but thinking back about authors new and old I’ve read this year is totally mind boggling.
    Great picks this week :-).

  10. Oh, Lucy! I agree with half your list and all the ones I don’t are only because I haven’t gotten around to them yet, I’m sure! Hah. I’m right there with you on Cora Carmack, Erin McCarthy, Carrie Mesrobian, Emily Murdoch, and Alex London…and I have all the others on my long TBR list.

    I love that you did the snowy thing for your blog! I was going to look into it for us this year, but i was too lazy, hah.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  11. […] Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature from The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Books I Read in 2013! I decided to just focus on YA Contemporary since I read a lot of it this year. (For more of my year-end favorites see my wrap up posts for: Audiobooks, New Adult books, and favorite New-to-me authors) […]

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