I’m excited to be part of the Fractured Light blog tour today! I thought I’d like this YA paranormal from the description, but I ended up liking it even more than I expected. After my review, be sure to check out the giveaway opportunity, and consider picking up the e-book edition of the book, which is currently only $0.99 during the tour, a great deal.
Book: Fractured Light by Rachel Mclellan (Book 1 in the Fractured Light trilogy), Sweetwater Books, YA Paranormal, e-Book received for review, Hardcover 312 pages, On Sale Now.
More Book Info: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Author Info: Facebook | Twitter | Blog
About Fractured Light:
Llona Reese is used to living on the run. After the Vykens killed her parents, she knew they would eventually come for her too. But she never felt ready to face them—until now. Defying the Auran Council and everything she’s been taught, Llona must learn to use her power over light as a weapon if she wants to survive.
Llona (E-o-na) is a high school senior with an unusual ability – she can manipulate light. The technical term for people like Llona is Aura, and Llona inherited this gift from her mother. Since her mother’s death though, Llona is left without a mentor to guide her. She tries to fit in as a normal high school student as best she can, though her talent gives her some athletic abilities that make her stand out. Auras have some pretty cool light tricks in their repertoire, but there are some bad guys (the blood-sucking Vykens) around that want to put out their lights for good. Lately there have been some mysterious murders in Llona’s town, and she has reason to suspect that she could be the next target. Luckily she has some friends on her side to look out for her, but it would help if she could learn to use her powers to defend herself and those closest to her before it’s too late.
I like Llona – she’s pretty fearless, sometimes recklessly so, and she’s independent and hard working. Her ability is a little inconvenient as it gives her supernatural athletic abilities during the full moon, though she is tired at other times. She’s getting mixed signals about her talent, and wants to live by her own rules. She’s a great friend, a little reserved, though she has a quick wit. Llona has just a few friends in her circle, and in particular May is someone who is understanding of what she is going through. I enjoyed seeing her come out of her shell during the course of the book.
One person who is always there for Llona, whether she likes it or not, is Christian. He’s always around when she’s in trouble and shows an interest in her like no other. He’s handsome, caring, responsible, intelligent, and seemingly perfect for Llona. But he sends infuriatingly mixed signals, and though it seems like he cares for Llona, he holds her at arms length. I definitely wondered what he was hiding.
Since Fractured Light is also a murder mystery, there are several suspicious characters to keep your eye on. My guess was actually way off, but it was fun to try to figure out who the killer was.
I read this book in one sitting – it’s a quick fast-paced read. Though I don’t read as many paranormal books as I once did, this one grabbed my attention and is impressive for a debut novel. It has a good mix of mystery, paranormal, romance, and high school drama. The secondary characters are well rounded and are used to good advantage throughout the story. Though Fractured Light is the first book of a trilogy, it has a satisfying conclusion on it’s own while leaving you interested in reading the sequel. Look for the next installment Fractured Soul in 2013.
Follow along with all the Fractured Light tour stops by clicking the banner above or clicking here.
uuuhhh my favorite book… that’s a tough question… from this year definetely John Greens ‘The Fault in our stars’ and Katie McGarries ‘Pushing the Limits’ … otherwise i loved ‘living dead girl’ by Elizabeth Scott
I have a lots of favorites! I can’t really choose just one! Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent, Shade trilogy by Jeri Smith-Ready, Divergent and many others!
Right now my favorite book is BORN WICKED by Jessica Spotswood.
glad you liked this one, lucy. i actually know someone else on this tour and you guys are making me want to read it now. i think i’ll pick it up since it’s such a good price. i’ve been needing a good, fun read lately and this one sounds perfect. 🙂