Mailbox Monday (83)

Mailbox Monday buttonMailbox Monday is a weekly event where we share our latest book arrivals. Link up and find new mailboxes to stalk at the Mailbox Monday blog!

This week we got some rain so that was exciting! (We’re in a severe drought here in California) We were able to score Comic-Con tickets again this year, phew! And today I went with my daughter to the movies to see The Lego Movie, which is so fun. My reading has been a little slow this month, I’m not sure why. But maybe one of these books will snap me out of my mini reading rut!

Netgalley/Edelweiss new arrivals:

White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout – A paranormal romance about a half gargoyle/half demon girl. Gargoyles!

Complicit by Stephanie Kuehn – This YA psychological thriller sounds so creepy – a troubled girl comes back to town and tells her brother she’s not the crazy one- he is.

On The Fence by Kasie West – This looks so cute- it’s a best friends romance about a tomboy and the boy next door.

Open Road Summer by Emery Lord – I was so happy to receive this one! This is such a “me” book – music, romance, road trip, summer.

I See London by Chanel Cleeton – In this New Adult book, Maggie leaves South Carolina to attend school in London and gets in deep with a guy.

The Break-Up Artist by Philip Siegel – This is about a girl who gets paid $100 paypal cash to break-up couples at her high school.


The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd – Thank you Kathy at BermudaOnion!

My Life in Middlemarch by Rebecca Mead – Thank you Audiobook Jukebox!

Also grabbed these audiobooks from the library: Cartwheel, Reality Boy, These Broken Stars, and A Mad, Wicked Folly.


secret society girl

Secret Society Girl by Diana Peterfreund – Sent and signed by the author with a swag pack of goodies – thank you, Diana! I’ve been wanting to read this Pre-New Adult series from 2006. Ahead of its time!


Love Show by Audrey Bell – This New Adult book is getting some rave reviews so for $0.99 I had to take a chance! (Amazon)

The Archived by Victoria Schwab – This book is also on promo for $0.99 to support the sequel, The Unbound. Awesome deal! (Amazon)


What’s new in your mailbox? 


23 thoughts on “Mailbox Monday (83)

  1. Summer/Sunny says:

    I’ve seen quite a few people download Open Road Summer and The Break-Up Artist! I hope they’re good 🙂 And On the Fence *fangirls*

  2. Tammy Sparks says:

    Yay for Comic Con! I’ve been having a really slow reading month so far too. I don’t know why! I just requested Complicit so I’m crossing my fingers. Awesome haul, Lucy!

  3. Angie S. says:

    Complicit…oooh I love psychological thrillers! And Break-Up Artist looks fun!

  4. BermudaOnion says:

    I’m listening to The Invention of Wings right now and it’s really good so far. Enjoy!

  5. Anne says:

    I’m trying to score tickets to Comic Con this year. Congrats on getting yours! But The Archived sounded really good, and totally the right price. Just bought it!

  6. A drought? Wow. Over here on the east coast we’ve been getting precipitation like crazy.

    Here is mine

  7. We got rain too this morning! It was bizarre!
    The Middlemarch book looks really interesting, will be interested to read your thoughts.

  8. I’ve read positive reviews on The Invention of Wings. Enjoy all of your books. Have fun at Comic-Con!

  9. Mary says:

    Looks like a fantastic mailbox list. Congrats on the Comic-Con tickets.Did you happen to see The Big Bang Theory a couple of weeks ago when the guys tried to buy their tickets? Quite funny 🙂

  10. harvee says:

    The Sue Monk Kidd book looks so interesting. I enjoyed her previous books. What a nice win!
    Book Dilettante

  11. bookgoonie says:

    Very interested in On the Fence, especially after loving Pivot Point.

    Archived was a great deal. Can’t wait to read.

  12. sagustocox says:

    looks like you got some good reads…enjoy

  13. Hope you enjoy your books!

    Here is my post.

  14. Great books! I have The Archived in my TBR pile. But I have to read My Life in Middlemarch! I have heard so many great things about that book! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy!

    Here’s my Mailbox Monday

  15. Vera says:

    I’m curious to see feedback on The Invention of Wings…I’m always hit or miss with Oprah’s picks

    My Mailbox Monday

  16. I’m eager to read Open Road Summer and Secret Society Girl.

    Thanks for visiting The Busy Mom’s Daily at

  17. So many lovely looking books! I am wishing for The Invention of Wings. Enjoy your week…and thanks for visiting my blog.

  18. Leslie says:

    I have The Invention of Wings in audio too. Lego Movie is on my watch-on-DVD list and whenever I hear Comic Con I think of those crazy guys on The Big Bang.

  19. Elizabeth says:

    ENJOY your books. I loved The Invention of Wings.

    Have a great week.

    Stop by for giveaways on my blog if you like.

    Silver’s Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  20. Vicki says:

    I hope you love all your books!

  21. stacybuckeye says:

    What a great haul! I want to read the new Sue Monk Kidd, isn’t Kathy sweet?

  22. kay says:

    I really enjoyed the Secret Society Series; it was NA before NA became popular, and I remember wishing there were more books of a similar setting. Hope you enjoy it, as well as your other books!

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