Sugar Rush by Rachel Astor Book Review

Book: Sugar Rush by Rachel Astor, Entangled Publishing / Bliss, On Sale Now

Book Info: Contemporary Romance, E-book received for review, 265 pages

Rating: 3.5 / 5 Stars

More Info:  Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

It’s hard to describe Sugar Rush without using the word sweet. This book is the book version of a rom-com- the heroine runs a candy store and has a forbidden romance with the son of a rival candy storeowner. To up the stakes for our couple, there’s even a Chocolatiers competition to create the next big thing in candy. Both Dulcie and Nick have something to prove with this competition. Is their romance becoming too much of a tempting distraction though?

Sugar Rush is part of the Bliss line at Entangled – these are short and sweet contemporary romances for busy people who want to read an engaging romantic story. If the erotica trend is not your style, the Bliss line provides a less hot and bothered romance. Sugar Rush is light and cute and leaves you with a smile on your face, as well as craving chocolate of course.

Even though Sugar Rush is a romance, it’s also about careers, family, believing in yourself, and second chances. Dulcie’s mom ran their shop Candy Land Confections for years and had a knack with candy creations. When she passed away, the shop struggled to survive, and Dulcie lacks the confidence to create new recipes due to a disastrous entry in a chocolatiers competition Nick, meanwhile, disagrees with the business plan of How Sweet It Is, and dreams of being a cupcake chef.  Through a chance meeting, Dulcie and Nick spark an attraction- later to find out they are candy rivals.

I liked the competition aspect of the story, and hearing about all of the candy flavors. If you like baking or cooking shows and romance, this is the book for you! The competitive spirit between Nick and Dulcie was fun to watch, and I especially liked seeing Dulcie come out of her mother’s shadow to create some awesome candy creations. And you’ve got to love a guy who can bake a mean cupcake.

For a sweet treat to go with your Halloween candy (seriously, you better have some candy nearby) give Sugar Rush a try. And in case you’re inspired to bake after reading the book, there’s a recipe included for Toasted Coconut Brittle.


5 thoughts on “Sugar Rush by Rachel Astor Book Review

  1. Yum. Toasted Coconut Brittle. Sounds like a sweet read 😉

  2. Oh! This one sounds like the fun light read I’ve been looking for these days. This is adult contemporary? Not NA or YA?

    1. Lucy says:

      I’d say it’s adult contemporary rather than NA but it has crossover appeal. Hope you like it if you get the chance to read it!

  3. Hmm Toasted Coconut Brittle..yumm..yes I am easily distracted ;>

  4. Well if it’s that sweet then they definitely got the title right! And reading about chocolate and cupcakes is a bonus. 🙂

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