The Movie Date is a weekly feature where we discuss movies that may appeal to the YA audience. We are big fans of indie films at The Movie Date and Andrew is back to share some summer movie suggestions for July. Also, check out our June movie picks– a lot of these indie films are still rolling out in July! The only movie we got out to see in June was The Fault in Our Stars, so we also have some catching up to do!
Here are July’s indie picks- take it away Andrew!
Movies to look out for this month:
LIFE ITSELF 7-4 (in theaters, on demand & iTunes)
I’m certainly no film critic (as you can tell!) but I really enjoy watching and thinking about movies. In that regard I really miss Roger Ebert, a super-smart movie buff who never let his intelligence blind him from whether or not a movie was actually entertaining. His reviews have steered me towards great films and helped me appreciate others whose charms had eluded me. Given that I’ll get to spend a few more minutes with the guy, this documentary sounds greatly rewarding, though it’s probably something I’ll catch up with via Netflix down the road.
First he showed us a star-crossed couple meeting for intense conversation every nine years or so (Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight). Now the brilliant Richard Linklater (School of Rock, Dazed and Confused) lets us watch a young man growing up through adolescence in a film that took twelve years to shoot. Young actor Ellar Coltrane plays a boy growing up from age 5 to 18, while his parents (Ethan Hawke of the “Before series” and Patricia Arquette) probably grow a little wiser. In lesser hands this concept would be merely a stunt, but I’m guessing Linklater has something to say.
The story of a scientist whose research into the human eye results in stunning implications for mankind’s spirituality and relationships. Or something. I’m always up for a quirky, high-concept indie sci-fi film (I recommend Europa Report and the very weird Upstream Color) and this sounds most intriguing. Stars the very committed actress Brit Marling (The East, The Sound of My Voice), so that’s another plus. Got good reaction at Sundance but is getting lukewarm marks on Rotten Tomatoes. I’ll give this a shot unless the reviews are really bleak.
Zach Braff co-writes, directs, and stars in this tale of a man hitting early midlife crisis at age 35. I liked his other film Garden State, but that may just have been because of Natalie Portman’s luminous performance. Here we get Ashley Greene playing a cosplay enthusiast, replacing Anna Kendrick (were there no other Twilight cast members available?). It also stars Kate Hudson and Mandy Patinkin, who plays Saul on Homeland and Saul in this film too. My hopes aren’t high, but fans contributed $3 million on Kickstarter, so maybe they know something I don’t.
HAPPY CHRISTMAS 7-25 in theaters (available now On Demand!)
Anna Kendrick as an irresponsible young adult who decides to shake up her married brother’s life with the help of a friend (Lena Dunham). Kendrick’s nerdy intensity is always a joy to watch, and though I’ve never been a fan of the indulgent Dunham, I’m hoping the costars will balance out and bring out the best in each other. I’m also a big fan of dysfunctional family comedy-dramas set around the holidays (eg The Ref), so I’ll definitely see this at some point, though I may wait until December to unwrap this little gift.
Will you line up to see any of these films this month? What is your must-see film this summer?
I thought I kept up with the movies that are out there and all of these are new to me.
I’m looking forward to Wish I Was Here. Some good indie films. Thank you.
An indie movie I’ve been dying to see is the Immigrant, mainly because I love Marion Cotillard so much, but Wish I Was Here looks really good too!