Hello all! Today is the kick-off for the Third Annual Book Blogger Love-A-Thon! Katelyn of Tales of Books & Bands and Alexa of Alexa Loves Books host this annual event and it’s a celebration of book blogs! This Valentine’s Day weekend show your favorite blogs some love by commenting, sharing favorite reviews, and following some new-to-you blogs. In addition, there are many fun mini challenges, prizes, and a twitter chat to participate in. The first activity is where we get to know the person behind the blog a little better.
Q&A with Lucy of The Reading Date:
1. How did you come up with your blog name?
My husband Andrew (he runs The Movie Date feature on this blog) takes credit for the name since he came up with “Reading Dates” to describe times when we would hang out together reading. He reminds me that he first mentioned the term after we’d been dating for a couple months when he said he felt so comfortable with me we could have fun just quietly reading books together. The term has evolved over the years but we basically use it in our household when we are all caught up in a good book.
2. What genre/subject matter do you read and review most on your blog?
I am not remotely a YA but I am a parent of one, and my daughter is the reason I’m hooked on the genre. We both love YA contemporary best.
3. Name the 3 books you’re excited for in 2014!

Breakable by Tammara Webber
Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
Landline by Rainbow Rowell
4. Where in the world are you blogging from?
I live in Burbank, CA. Burbank is nicknamed The Media Capital of the World since it is home to Warner Bros, NBC, Disney, etc. It’s a city in Los Angeles that has a small town feel to it. I’ve also lived in San Francisco and New York and miss both cities very much!
5. Tell us — how did you get into blogging in the first place?
Goodreads introduced me to the social media aspect of reading and inspired me to give blogging a try.
6. Apart from reading, what other hobbies/interests do you have?
I like cooking, music, pop culture, exercise, Comic-Con, and crafting.
7. If you were stuck on a deserted island, which books would you bring with you?
Let’s be optimistic and say I can bring my kindle, okay? A few 2013 favorites are: Sex & Violence, Out of the Easy, Fangirl, The Reece Malcolm List, This Song Will Save Your Life, and Openly Straight.
8. If you were stuck in some dangerous situation (like a fire, a sinking ship, a warzone), which book boy or girl would you want to come and save you?
Katniss Everdeen seems like a good quick-thinking heroine to me.
9. You’re attending a party with your friends. Suddenly, the DJ changes the song and it’s YOUR song – what song would that be?
NO IDEA. But here’s a playlist of songs I’m liking at the moment:
10. What 3 movies would you love to have your favorite author write into books, or vice versa?
This is such a tough one! How about I just tell you my a few of my favorite recent book adaptations instead?

This was fun! Looking forward to reading your answers. Happy Love-A-Thon-ing! And oh, I have an international giveaway to win one of the six Cybils YA Fiction finalists going on now. Enter here if you like!
Awesome choices!! I cannot wait for Landline and Isla as well!
I thought the movie version of Catching Fire was done SO well. I cried multiple times haha!
I actually got into blogging mostly from Goodreads too. I think that’s where the idea of a book blog came from. I always tell the story as my friend and I compulsively buying books and then me asking her if she’d read my reviews if I started a blog, but we were both obsessed with GR and thinking back on it, that’s probably where I first saw book blogs reviewing books! 🙂
I’m excited for Landline, too! My brother lives in Burbank, and I have to agree that it’s a more small-town feel than LA. And I will have to check out your playlist, it looks like we have similiar taste in music.
Fun post, Lucy! I love that you list SDCC as one of your favorite things:-)
Thanks so much for participating! I loved getting to know a little more about you! And can I just say, your taste in music is spectacular. Loved looking through your playlist!
We have similar bookish tastes! I cannot wait for Landline or Isla and the Happily Ever After and I loved Fangirl, The Reece Malcolm List, This Song Will Save Your Life! I also love that you added a playlist! Nice to met you!
Nicole @ The Quiet Concert
I’m so excited for Breakable, too! Lucas is an amazing book boyfriend. I’m eager to learn more about him and get his POV. 🙂
Even a playlist! What a great interview. Happy Love-a-Thon!
That is so sweet how you came up with your name! N’awww!
i love your playlist. Birdy <3
I've seen a lot of people picking Katniss – she is pretty kick-ass though!
I am so excited for Landline!! I’ve only read one of Rainbow’s book (Fangirl) but I totally fell in love with her writing and will basically read anything she writes now. And I loved the Catching Fire movie! Best book to movie adaptation I’ve ever seen. 🙂
Yay for an awesome interview! I love that you, your husband and daughter all bond over a love of reading. I too am super excited to read Isla and the Happily Ever After, which I’ve been waiting on for a while now. Also, Landline sound fantastic and I love Rainbow’s books!
Katniss Everdeen might be the the best choice ever 😀
Oh my gosh, how could you not love a guy who coined the term reading date?!
Omg so excited for all three of your picks for top 2014 releases. seriously intrigued to read about Lucas’ story 😀
I feel like The Spectacular Now was a good movie by itself, but it didn’t really translate the tone of the book as well as I would’ve liked- as in, you never really got why Sutter was so bad for Aimee (compared to in the book, where you see from Sutter’s POV and it’s obvious they’re not quite right for each other and stuff)
I love how two of three of the book-to-movie adaptations feature Jennifer Lawrence haha. She’s so awesome 😀
I am very, very excited about Breakable as well 🙂 I adored Easy so I cannot wait to see it from Lucas’ POV! I’m also excited about Isla but I need to read Lola first and Landline. I’ve only read Fangirl but I really enjoy Rowell’s writing so I’m sure I will love this one too!!!
I’m glad you loved Catching Fire, I really really need to watch that 😛
Great answers Lucy!!! Happy Love-a-thon!!!